Why see an Osteopathic Physician

d2seaInitial visits are generally one hour long, during which a detailed history is taken, followed by a complete physical exam, much like most physician visits. In addition, a complete Osteopathic evaluation, as well as an Osteopathic treatment, is performed. Follow up visits usually last about 30 minutes. We ask that you set up one follow up visit either 1 or 2 weeks after you initial treatment. Most people who do not have a chronic condition will find that coming in for treatments 2-3 times a year for maintenance do to illness or injuries will help them maintain their health.

During an Osteopathic Treatment patients generally lie down on the treatment table and relax during the whole visit, with a good percentage of them falling asleep as they are being treated. The doctor will place her hands on the patient and make subtle adjustments. In some cases, the adjustments are so subtle that they are not appreciated until a day or two later when the patient realizes that they are no longer experiencing the same discomfort that they previously had. Other patients will experience the changes more dramatically as they are occurring during the treatment.

The best time to start seeing an Osteopathic physician is before you become sick.  Preventive measures are the single most important thing that you can do for your health. With that said, it’s never too late to start getting Osteopathic treatment.  Most people see an Osteopathic physician initially after they have an accident or become ill.  We often times see people who have seen many physicians and have not been able to find a resolution to their problem.  Whatever your path has been we will be there to support your journey in health.

What We Treat

These are some common reasons why someone would see an Osteopathic physician.  This list is not all inclusive.



 General health care and well being  General health care and well being
 Newborn evaluation  Post surgical
 Treatment of birth trauma  Pregnancy and post-partum care
 Infant sleep irregularities  Infections including Lyme and Vector Borne Diseases 
 Colic  Symptoms secondary to injuries
 Reflux  Neurological problems including all types of pain
 Breast feeding  Migraines
Autisum Spectrum  Dizziness
 Agitation  Nerve palsy
 Acute and chronic ear/sinus infections  Digestive disorders
Ashtma  Fatigue
 Development delays  Stress-related illnesses and others
 Cerebral Palsy Chronic Inflammatory Disorders 
 ADHD/ADD Mood Disorders 
 Infections  TMJ
 Traumas Neurologic Disorders 
 Sensory Integration Issues  Pain
 Sports Injuries  Arthritis
 Ear Infections Menstrual Irregularities 
 Behavioral Issues  Brain Injuries
Sleep Issues  Seizures
Torticollis  Tinnitus


How does Osteopathic Treatment work?

Osteopathic treatments are individualized based on what each patient needs on any given visit. There are no predetermined protocols. The physician receives information from your words, your whole body and the forces that are affecting you (physical, biochemical, psychological, etc.).  An Osteopathic Physician is guided by your inherent healing mechanisms which lead him/her to make a diagnosis and formulate a treatment plan. They help to facilitate the healing process by relying on an extensive knowledge of normal anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) and finely tuned palpatory skills to treat the patient.